Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thank you!

I had only to mention that I was a little down last week and received an outpouring of kindness in the form of peaches and pie (see related, delicious post), funny reminders of happier times, sincere inquiries via email and phone, empathic expressions of concern and understanding, offers of respite, encouraging comments to hang on or work out harder, etc. I could go on. Thank you, everyone for your tender thoughts, words, and actions.

The batch of frownies (stole this from Ned Flanders in the Simpsons Movie) I cooked up is almost gone and has been replaced by an assurance that my Heavenly Father loves me and has blessed me with millions of things to be happy about. My top three are Todd, Kenna, and Alec.

Most of my blue mood last week was due to feeling discouraged about parenting my little sweeties. Transitioning back to school and work has been more difficult than I expected and I tend to blame it all on myself. Perspective, deep breathing, and consultation from sweet friends calmed me down and things are looking brighter. Todd and Kenna have been getting along with each other really well this week. Todd has had a couple of rough things happen at school but has discussed them calmly and accepted my suggestions and help. Kenna has been Brent's little shadow while he engages in the nerdy automating of our home with stuff from his work. I love to watch the wheels spin in her giant head, I mean, brain. She's the only one who really gets how to work the whole system. Alec has been especially affectionate, sweet, self-entertaining, and funny. "I love you, Mom," exits his mouth several times an hour and he stops me frequently mid-task for a leg hug. I love these kids.

P.S. Couldn't I so get zapped for mentioning Deity and the Simpsons in the same sentence?! Sheesh. I'd better lose a guilty indulgence or two.


Kristen said...

Glad you're feeling brighter about things. Kennedy and I got such a kick out of your littlest guy...showing off his kibbles and bits when we came to the door. We laughed and smiled about it all the way home. Don't kids make life entertaining?

Lynette said...

Rita...glad you are feeling better! It is really NO fun to be down! Trust me...I know! Sounds like things are looking better and happier for ya!


The Bullknitter said...

I have a brother-in-law who says everything you need to know about religion you can learn from the Simpsons.

Amy and Brad said...

Good to hear that this week is an improvement over last :) I definitely think we've all been there...and will be there again. This motherhood stuff is a lot harder than it looks!

Atkin Family said...

Rita-- Hopefully one of these days, you'll figure out what a kind, witty, bright, gorgeous, creative, talented individual you are. We all suck at being moms, wives, and friends every now and then (okay I'll speak for myself anyway), the trick I think is to accept yourself for all the good and bad, try to do better, and as my good trucker friends say - "just keep on truckin"!! (Okay I don't really have any trucker friends, but my language might qualify me as one somedays!). Hang in there. Q