I thought it might never end but school if finally O-V-E-R for my big kids!! The typical time-wasting last days of traditional school ends up to be about 3 weeks long on a year round track schedule. Here's what we were up to last week.

Another parent and I organized a morning full of Olympic activities for Todd's class during the last week of school. It was nice to see how well the students interacted and got along with each other. No one student dominated all of the events and many kids succeeded at different things. A few students were reluctant to join in, but a reminder that these games beat the heck out of doing Math encouraged participation. A fun day with fun kids.

Alec and I volunteered to help with Field Day on a hot, hot afternoon. As you can see, I manned the football throw activity.

Kenna had a "late over" party to celebrate the last day of school. Don't let their sweet smiles fool you, these girls know how to have a good, LOUD time. They painted their nails (and my kitchen table), sang Taylor Swift songs at the top of their lungs, made crazy cookies, and had lots of fun. Cutie patootie good friends. We loved having them over.

As reward for not terrorizing Kenna and company during her (brother-bugging) party, Todd invited a friend to the family celebration that we attended with my sis-in-law in West Point. I am thankful that my kids have such great friends. I feel lucky to like the kids they hang out with.
What?! Running around outside is better than math? Never!
Very cute pictures. You are SOME mom to get involved in and agree with supporting these activities.
Why is it that the busiest moms are always the ones who help at field day? Rita, you are the greatest!
I was thinking the same thing - it's always the crazy-busy moms who end up in charge of things!
I seriously LOVE how obvious it is that your family is your #1 priority, Rita. You are an awesome Mom (and an awesome example to THIS mom!)
You are such a great mom Rita!!!! Guess that's why you have great kids.
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