Sunday, September 7, 2008

I meant what I said and I said what I meant...

Alec loves nursery. I'm sorry to mention the fact to all you parents who have suffered through the crying and separation anxiety that this situation can provoke but he really does looove it. After each sacrament meeting song and/or prayer he asks, "Is it time to go to class yet?" When my reply is finally in the affirmative, he does a little fist pump and whistles, "YESSSS!"

Today I asked him who his favorite church teacher is. He thought for a while before answering, "Horton the elephant one." The nursery leader's name is Sister Horton. Ha ha. What a kid.


Scott said...

Please don't tell me Sister Horton is a large woman. Anyway, Alec is one cute kid.

The Bullknitter said...

Hey, I'm the nursery leader and I love kids that love nursery.

Mandy said...

He is so cute! Tyler loves nursery too. Sister Horton is so cute and they all love her. Aren't we lucky!

Debbie said...

Super cute quote.

I just wish Christina would start liking nursery - she fusses off and on the WHOLE time. I'm at my wits end and there's not much we can do since we're in Primary.